Volume Two: The Horror Boom


Thinking Horror, Volume Two



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THNKHRRR Editorial: S.J. Bagley

THNKHRRR Interview: Steve Rasnic Tem

“The Word in Flesh, or Whenever We’re Opened, We’re Red: A Personal Meditation on Clive Barker’s Books of Blood” by Gemma Files

“An Endless Laceration: The Limit Experience in Horror” by Daniel Pietersen

“The Impossible Literature of Thomas Ligotti, Puppeteer and Eschatologist” by D. P. Watt

THNKHRRR Interview: Lisa Tuttle

“‘Your Worst Fear’: Monstrous Feminine(ism) and the Horror Boom of the 1970s” by Andrew P. Williams

“The Grotesque in Flannery O’Connor’s ‘A Good Man is Hard to Find’ and ‘Good Country People'” by Kristi DeMeester

THNKHRRR Interview: John Skipp

“A Faint Sense of Double Vision”: Cinematic Tensions and Transmedial Anxieties in the Fiction of Files/Barringer, Wehunt, Tremblay, Link, and Ballingrud” by Christopher Burke

THNKHRRR Interview: Nick Mamatas

“His Knife, Her Shadow” by John Glover

“Nothing Will Have Happened: Speculation and Horror in the Anthropocene” by David Peak

THNKHRRR Interview: Paul Tremblay

“Collective Abjection: Social Horror in Stephen King’s It” by Mike Thorn

“‘Hello from the Sewers of NYC’: T.E.D. Klein’s ‘Children of the Kingdom'” by Michael Cisco

Cover Art by Stephen Wilson

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